Workload, self-care, wounds, & discounts

Another light blog I wrote solely to vent what has been happening recently so bear with it. ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ

These days I have a heavy workload. Projects, notes, exams, college entrance preparation, internship- it’s a lot. I don’t even have time to breathe at this point tbh. I am never on a break except when eating and completing my daily chores. My mind is continuously thinking of what I have to do next. But somehow, I am not stressing much. Idk if it’s because of my emotional numbness, or defence mechanisms, but I am not panicking. I am…alright. I am handling things well. And I am actually kind of enjoying it too. It makes me feel like a busy person everyone wishes to be. I have downloaded a self care app recently and I list down all my tasks in the morning. I like checking them off. It’s nice. I have a big to-do list and tbh having all the things you need to do written down is of great help. It lets me know where I stand when working.

Speaking of studies, school’s almost finished. No more of going to the place I went everyday for years. No more of those shenanigans I used to pull with my friends in classes. We will only go for exams and paper distribution now. School’s over. We’re gonna enter the outer world.

Also, I cut my finger in the noon while slicing a lemon. It was a small cut, but deep enough to bleed like a flood. I just sucked it for a while thinking it will stop but 10 minutes later, it was still dripping. Annoying. I put a band-aid and it turned red instantly.

And also, I got new headphones! My ear pods broke so I will give them for repair, but I also ordered myself a new pair of headphones because I just wanted to have one. Plus they were very cheap because of Black Friday sale. And why would I miss an awesome deal on electronics? I mainly wanted them because my eardrums ache due to ear pods when producing music because they are literally inside my ears. Headphones won’t give me that problem, and they look cool af!

Song of the day!!

How It’s Done by Kash Doll, Stefflon Don, Kim Petras & ALMA. A power-packed track with different vocal styles integrated in a fast-pacing rythm.

© Copyrighted to @mysticalsoul5 (mysticalsoulblogs). All rights reserved.

Injuries give me frustration

My body likes making me suffer too 😦

My body quite weird. Some days I have the most flawless skin with no marks or tan. I am completely fit and fully active. No injuries whatsoever.

On most days (including today) though, my body decides to act up and make me struggle. I bumped my left knee into something last night and it has been aching since I woke up. It has turned blue and I had to spray pain reliever over the area, it’s that bad. The muscles in my right thigh aren’t letting me rest my leg, it hurts. My face is tanned due to being exposed to sunlight for 3 hours a couple days back. I am a vampire I’m telling you! I got mosquito bites all over me. Why do they want my blood!? Along with ripped skip around the out of shape nails courtsey to my anxiety. Plus my mouth got ulcers due to my retainers.

You see what I have to deal with everyday? I’m so close to flippin’ out of frustration. My mind is unstable and my body is moody too! I am dying alone. I gotta travel after a couple of days Idk what is happening!😭😭

Song of the day!!

Shy by Jai Waetford. I love this song. It’s so enjoyable with the melodic vocals and I love performing it with the vibe it gives making me feel beautiful. This song is simply perfect.

© Copyrighted to @mysticalsoul5 (mysticalsoulblogs). All rights reserved.

Could have been worse

It all started like any other day… just like in movies. I spent my whole day doing absolutely nothing, just Wattpad. It was over 10 p.m at night. I was still reading Wattpad peacefully until I had to get up due to something. I had my phone on charge while I was reading, so when I got up, the wire got tangled in my hand and my phone fell down… just like in movies. My phone’s screen came out. Like, the whole screen literally came out. To say I was shocked was an understatement. 1. It’s my lovely phone. 2. I was in the middle of an action scene! I still kept my calm and went to my mom to tell her about it. The phone couldn’t be repaired coz of lockdown… just like in movies! So…I was stuck, with nothing to do, without Wattpad & Webtoons!!! As I was coming back to my room, just about to climb my bed, I tripped and twisted my right ankle, and when I tried to move it, it wouldn’t move…just like in movies! I called my mom and she helped me move it and walk around a bit so it doesn’t get worse. Thankfully it was just a sprain nothing much. I slept after 12 telling myself it would be ok, it isn’t that bad. I could have broken my ankle, so it isn’t the worst. The next day, I went to my grandma’s place. My lil cousin kept asking me to show him my phone coz he was curious to see how it broke and…I cried. I cried a lot. Idk how, but my thoughts went from my phone to my fucked up life to how I will pass the upcoming days without my phone which made me cry.

My elders were telling me the whole day already that I must be sad, but I tried to keep myself up and tell myself that it would be ok. But then they tell me I must be sad and frustrated and I don’t have my lovely books anyomore, and that was the last straw. I was so angry I told them all to shut the hell up and leave me alone. They laughed and said it’s because I broke my phone. I was so pissed I swear. I used their phones to do my stuff. I kept bugging all my elders from time to time and when they flipped me off, I flipped their flipping me off off and told them it’s because I broke my phone. I was telling myself that this shall too pass. I was acting maturely but no, they can’t see me calm at all! I was seriously so pissed. They knew I would need my phone because of online classes, so communication, school material and all. I can’t keep my laptop on all the time! My bae needs rest too! They got me a new phone the next day coz that phone was beyond repair. So now I have a brand new phone finally after five fucking years! Yes! I was using the same phone for 5 years which was already used 2 years by my grandma! Can you do that? I bet no!

So, moral of the story:

  1. Never piss off a person who just broke their phone coz they are going through an emotional turmoil.
  2. Never laugh at a person who is forced to be away from books.
  3. When you go through a lot of stuff, you realize that nothing is too bad.

All in all, I can say everything could have been worse. I could have broken my ankle, I could have not gotten a new phone so soon. So I am just grateful things didn’t go down so much. They were two crazy days!

My broken phone🤍. It is stil attatched at the bottom right corner, still hanging on. My lovely bae🥲

Now onto the song of the day!!

Build a Bitch by Bella Poarch. The song is quite catchy with its upbeat music and soft-hard vocals.

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