Mental health cannot be measured by games!

Please stop using every big word you come across without knowing its meaning😭😭

As if the fake ‘psychology says’ myths, random tests on youtube and zero credibility articles weren’t enough, games are being falsely advertised as relaxing techniques too now! Word games claiming they will calculate one’s IQ are now lowkey in comparison to people describing games using any fancy looking psychology term they come across and claiming that their game is a therapeutic technique😭. It frustrates me to even watch such ads. While awareness about mental health is on a rise now, people have started using it as a marketing strategy. I once saw an ad of a puzzle game showing the Rorschach Inkblot test and saying that the image one sees is that person’s future💀. The worst part is that uneducated folks and children will believe this bullshit and think they have the same level of intelligence as Einstein! How tf do gaming companies even get such ideas!?

Song of the day!!

Faithfully by Thomston. It’s quite a relaxing track.

© Copyright to @mysticalsoul5 (mysticalsoulblogs). All rights reserved.

Global Recycling Day

Today is Global Recycling Day. I didn’t know this was a thing until now. This day is celebrated every year on 18 March since 2018. The aim is to work towards recycling our resources and conserving natural resources. People spread awareness about the importance of natural resources, recycling, and preservation. There are numerous campaigns and gatherings held for the same too. I wonder if the schooling system today sheds light on such occasions.

Anyways, try being thoughtful of the environment as a whole and not waste any resources available to you. Look at kids’ environmental studies books and remind yourself to at least take basic measures like using cloth bags and steel utensils. Not to save for others, but yourself because the rate we are going downhill now, we may ourselves face struggles for the most basic necessities.

Song of the day!!

Austin by Dasha. I really like the melody and the rhythm of the vocals in this track.

© Copyright to @mysticalsoul5 (mysticalsoulblogs). All rights reserved.

The Ursidae family 😍😍

Bloganuary makes one self aware!

Bloganuary day 15: What is your favorite animal?

How can one choose a favorite animal with no experience of having one as a pet and a heart too weak to contain the beauty of nature?😭😭😭 I love dogs, I am always petting every dog I come across. I love cats, they are so soft and furry. I love rabbits, just look at them nibbling on food. I love fishes, observe their movements, they’re mystical. I love bears because damn they’re royal cutie patooties. I adore pandas because just look at how cute they are. Koalas are who I want to be. Penguins and Polar Bears are who I want as friends. Elephants are just straight up ethereal.

I think I really like the animals in the ursidae family considering the list above. I just got aware of the word. Ursid is the taxonomy family of bears, consisting of large plantigrade carnivores including bears and giants pandas. Ursid=one bear; ursidae=plural.

On thinking about it, I like cuddling big, fluffy, poofy objects, so my favoritism makes sense. Bloganuary makes one self aware, I have a favorite animal family now!

Song of the day!!

Take Me Away by New Medicine. A track with meaningful lyrics. Love the verses. I want New Medicine to collab with Josh A, their music styles are similar in terms of lyricism as well as vocals and instruments. Each artist will put in their personal touch and I think it will be fire.

© Copyrighted to @mysticalsoul5 (mysticalsoulblogs). All rights reserved.

Just fix your schedule:)

Being sick is a terrible feeling. You lie for hours unable to accomplish any of your tasks. You can do it. But you are stripped of the abilities. It just doesn’t work out.

And yet we carry on like nothing’s wrong. Because that is what we are supposed to do. Our sufferings aren’t real. Therapy is for the weak and the insane. We are fine. We just need to eat and sleep on time.


Song of the day!!

Ghost of You by 5 Seconds of Summer. A song containing grief and anguish of losing someone. Why do they have mvs available only to yt premium users!?😭😭

© Copyright to @mysticalsoul5 (mysticalsoulblogs). All rights reserved.

It’s World Mental Health Day!

Please look after yourself before stepping up for the world

The World Mental Health Day is celebrated on 10 October every year. It’s designated to spread awareness on mental health, because let’s be honest, sharing every reel that comes across your feed doesn’t make anyone aware.

So every year, WHO works out a theme to celebrate mental health. This year the theme is Mental Health is a universal human right.

Honestly, this is such a well thought theme. Everyone deserves to live a good life and everyone deserves to have good mental health. There are so many people working everyday to spread awareness and so many are coming forward to share their stories and give all that they can to make the world a little better and I hope the coming generation grows in a healthy, nurturing environment because we deserve to live a happy life!

What you can do, as a regular person, is try your best to make yourself healthy, and maintain it. By health I mean your physical, mental, emotional as well as your social health. Look at yourself, and notice yourself. Notice your likes, dislikes, preferences, areas of improvement, NOTICE YOU!! You can make the world a better place only when you make yourself better! And if everyone work hard on themselves, the world will automatically change. Love yourself. celebrate yourself. ❣️❣️

Song of the day!!

Murders by Miracle Musical. This instrumental istg is so well thought and executed.

© Copyrighted to @mysticalsoul5 (mysticalsoulblogs). All rights reserved.

The cheap trips via random agencies

It’s no shit that they are scams but I still see my peers falling for these so I wrote about it.

Okay so I have noticed a lot of people being hyped over school and college trips, which is normal. However, there are many “unofficial” trips that are held almost everywhere, probably by the candidates running in school/ college elections, or some travel agency advertising in your institution. Such trips are heavily alluring for the costs are low and at times, free. College students, all the people your age, interesting place, that too free! It sounds like a good deal, why should you not go?

One word: safety.

This may sound a bit boomer to some people, but these trips are simply marketing strategies and no one gives a shit about your safety, or your standards of living. The organisers will gather as many people as they can, for which they will allow absolutely anyone to be on board. It may seem dreamy to you, but it is all fake in reality. Half of the time there won’t even be a trip. They’ll take your registration money and vanish. How do you know these people demanding your email, phone number and address are legit? You don’t.

So please, for your own sake, do not fall for these traps. Verify the organisers before enrolling yourself in such stuff. Even better, spend a few more bucks and go with verified people with trusted agencies.

Song of the day!!

Love & Lust by Kasper. It’s the vocals for me.

© Copyrighted to @mysticalsoul5 (mysticalsoulblogs). All rights reserved.

World Suicide Prevention Day

Dying is so fucking easy but music is too crucial for me to part from💛💛

Every year, 10 September is celebrated as the World Suicide Prevention Day. WHO felt that suicide is a major concern to be addressed, for way too many people’s death certificates has suicide as the cause of death. Today, people wear a yellow ribbon to show that suicide can be prevented. Every year a theme is decided to work on and this year’s theme is in continuation to the last two years’- Creating Hope Through Action. Interventions, summits, etc. are held to aid in reducing the risks of suicides by limiting access to harmful stuff, increasing awareness to identify, assess and follow up with people at high risks, developing social and emotional competence, and so on.

Now, I won’t be discussing ways to get help or to tell you the world is good, because you will find this everywhere on one google search. I am here to share something.

My first suicide attempt as when I was 14. Life had been a bitch and dying was, and still is the best option in my view. But somehow, even after repeated attempts, I survived. Some say it is because it’s not my time yet. Idk what they mean by this. I was placed in therapy. But I left it after 6 months because therapy meant marks to my mom and she anyways didn’t like spending extra money on this. Depression doesn’t cure quickly but I won’t say that I didn’t learn anything valuable. I did.

4 years after my first attempt, I am currently still very depressed but shit is comparatively better. So I guess if you keep going on, it does end. I can’t replace my mind but I can change my circumstances. And believe it or not, your environment plays a big role in your life. It’s mind over everything. But you gotta get out of certain situations too.

Shit ends. I won’t say anything with as much assurance as this. It ends, but you can’t give up if it takes time.

But maybe I don’t want it to end. What if I don’t want anything and I don’t feel anything and just want to close my eyes and never wake up!?

I feel you. Don’t wake up. Stay. Just breathe. I know you can get through this, you didn’t come this far for nothing. You can resume your work 10 minutes later. It’s fine, really. I need you to focus on yourself and only the important stuff for now. Do not care about useless exams or tasks or events. I need you to pause your actions, maybe plug in your playlist, and just breathe. It’s okay and you will be okay. The world won’t change, you will change it for you.

I need you to stay.

Song of the day!!

In The Unknown by Aryan Julka & Vivaan Taneja. I really like the music, well produced.

© Copyrighted to @mysticalsoul5 (mysticalsoulblogs). All rights reserved.

Why does the uterus feel heavy during periods?

A bit of discussion on a crucial aspect of life.

Yesterday I noticed the fact that my uterus feels heavy during periods. I don’t get much cramps but have this constant heaviness especially during heavy flow days that makes my legs and back hurt if I stand too long without support.

I looked it up and damn the internet is a crazy mess.
Pro tip: if you are unable to find something but are sure there must be information somewhere, change you sentence form.

Anyways, back to the topic.

One may feel the uterus to be quite heavy like me because of the high blood flow. A lot of blood is collected, along with the lining dumped from the walls. The heaviness in the whole of torso is also because of the hormones released during that time. Also, your uterus may or may not get a bit bigger during periods to accommodate all the junk, but it is not a major difference, barely anything tbh. A lot of women don’t even notice any heaviness. There isn’t anything to worry about for this.

But if you have severe cramps, body aches, excessive bleeding, or extremely noticeable heaviness then please consult a doctor. I have mentioned this in one of my previous blogs also, but experiencing excruciating pain is not normal!

All the links I went through:

Song of the day!!

Sometimes I Want 2 Die by Blackbear. More like all the time I wanna die for me lol. A heavy track for those who relate with comforting music.

© Copyrighted to @mysticalsoul5 (mysticalsoulblogs). All rights reserved.

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