Shitposting when I need to get my shit done

I have this weird talent to be on full working mode when my deadlines aren’t as urgent, but being completely unserious when I have to turn in 20 assignments in the next 2 days. This story time is happening right now. I have 20 (I counted) assignments due tomorrow but from the past 2 days I have been pulling random mischief and not working as much. I mean, these are the moments when I pull up my genius and get to work but no, I need to shitpost bullshit first. Gaming, trolling, talking to people, getting every other chore done is suddenly more important. Why? WHY AM I LIKE THIS!?

Song of the day!!

Peanut Butter & Tears by DPR IAN. A track all the depressed folks trying to get by quietly will get.

© Copyright to @mysticalsoul5 (mysticalsoulblogs). All rights reserved.

To learn to not give it my all

Why is it that no matter how much pressure I have, no matter how quick I need to get my work done, I can’t close my eyes and just copy someone else’s? Why am I always reading through to make improvements? I like this quality of mine that I give it my all whenever doing something. But it backfires too. I procrastinate a lot at times and when the need arises to get back to work, I hate that I haven’t used my time wisely and done the task up to my standards. I want to learn to close my eyes when needed.

Song of the day!!

Black Summer by Red Hot Chilli Peppers. The lyrics took my heart away.

© Copyright to @mysticalsoul5 (mysticalsoulblogs). All rights reserved.

Superficial honey

An honest rant

Like every person, I have also been in compromising positions where I have needed to plea someone for favors. This happened mostly in cases when I had to get out of trouble. But somehow, I just can’t kiss someone’s ass to get my work done. When I demand something I do it knowing where I stand and I only ask my fair share. A lot of my peers roamed behind teachers and did unnecessary chores to get grades or help or whatnot. People sugarcoat the person in power to get their shit done smoothly. It has always been difficult for me. I just cannot swing this way. Even after I plan my conversations to have my way through, words refuse to spill. It’s just not in me to tolerate people. This backfires when I have to condone people talking nonsense but can’t listen to them and end up in a conflicting position. But at least I am not dipping someone in superficial honey.

Song of the day!!

Late At Night by Roddy Ricch. Smooth, soft beats.

© Copyright to @mysticalsoul5 (mysticalsoulblogs). All rights reserved.

Intellectual crisis

I can’t be the only one who hates not knowing stuff..?

There would be moments when I would be having the most erudite discussions, topics unknown to most of the human population, as a casual conversation. “Oh yeah they are using this metal in this satellite because it has these properties and this is how it makes the said satellite better.”

Then some days, I don’t know why, I’d be verifying the most basic of stuff from people. “Do these 3 notes of 500 make 1500?” I’d be googling the most common, regularly used words to note their exact meaning because what if I use it wrong in a conversation? I drown in self crippling doubts about my knowledge. I have existential crisis everyday, but intellectual/ knowledge-related crisis are more troublesome because my overly curious mind goes “how tf do I not know this!?” which starts a greater crisis for me. Just me?

Also, just to rant, google photos asked me yesterday if it could clear up space by deleting useless stuff. I thought it would clear out the recently deleted, duplicate, blur pictures but bro evaporated most of my memes. I opened my photos and my 800 picture folder was reduced to 200😭😭😭. I lost so many legendary memes! I restored so many of them from the WordPress media library

Song of the day!!

Isle Unto Thyself by Miracle Musical. A smooth melody with suspenseful and pleasant vibes.

© Copyrighted to @mysticalsoul5 (mysticalsoulblogs). All rights reserved.


Something I don’t talk about a lot because no one relates😐

There are people who have loads of space because they always keep their things neatly organised. There are people who would never have empty space because of how messy their room is. Then come people like me who are super organised yet don’t have any kind of space. Let me tell you why.

I have been trained to be organised since childhood and one thing is for sure that being organised is very handy. But I am too organised. I can make the tiniest room neat and the biggest room full with my skills. Give me a room of any size, it would be less spacious for me. I will have loads to free space but no space to keep my things at the same time. How? I keep my things in an orderly manner and if anything that does not fit in that order has to be kept, I will make a separate section for it. This practice does keep my things tidy but it requires space which ultimately ends. So I keep the most random things together according to their number, shape or whatever suitable. I have specific boxes for the most random and least required things lol😅.

tidying up is a very quirky trait of mine. I rarely leave my surroundings messy. It frustrates me if I see things not organised properly.

This blog is here because 1. I thought this was funny and 2. I want to know people with these kind of habits. My personal favourite way of organising is using the corners. Be it box, drawer, almirah or room, putting things in the corner gives me an unknown feeling of satisfaction, mainly because I know they won’t fall over because of the support. Hehe.

Fire by BTS. It’s a punk, hip hop song with amazing beats and music. It’s a song that forces me to move my body to the music. This song is fire🔥. Fire is fire🤭

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